DouxTease (LucieOude) Chaturbate


DouxTease (LucieOude) Profile: Chaturbate & MyFreeCams Videos (2025)

DouxTease’s (LucieOude’s) Biography

You might’ve heard of either LucieOude or DouxTease, but however you call this babe, the abundance of a good time is almost guaranteed. Her real name is Lucie, and she could be from Canada or France. That’s just a guess based on LucieOude’s known languages.

LucieOude is her name on MyFreeCams and DouxTease on Chaturbate.

Weight: Unknown

Height: Unknown

Location: Unknown

Follower Growth:

💛 356,630 – 2022
🧡 424,740 – 2023

Views: 11,143

Satisfaction Rate: 99% (523 thumbs up vs. 8 thumbs down)

Cam Site Preference: Chaturbate

Streams: Chaturbate, MyFreeCams

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LucieOude’s Chaturbate Review

00:00 – 15:00 Live Show

I must address the elephant in the room that you, too, will likely see upon hearing about LucieOude. The highest tip that DouxTease has received was 666,666 tokens! We can’t even imagine the reaction that was (supposedly) streamed online. Of course, a solid tip of over a thousand tokens could make everyone but the most oversized bitch blush, but this is beyond any sensible donation worth more than a used supercar if my math is correct.

The video resolution at which DouxTease streams is impressive, and the camera itself looks to be of a professional level. There’s also a vignette effect enabled, at least that’s my guess, giving it a softcore erotica look. DouxTease’s shows immediately remind me of the various “female-friendly” adult sites that are more about the mood than penetration. LucieOude hasn’t undressed yet, and it’s been close to 10 minutes. Instead, you get a slow burner show with emotional dancing. By the way, Lucie claims she’s a dancer at night, and these moves make all the sense now.

15:00 – 30:00 Live Show

– LucieOude Lookalike –

▷ Source:]

After 20 minutes of dancing, DouxTease took a short break to change her clothing and now wears nothing but the sexiest lingerie. Unfortunately, the blouse is gone; hence it will never be possible to catch a side boob shot of this brunette, but the dance moves look neat. DouxTease is touching her body, moving fingers up and down, but it’s all about the belly and shoulders, legs, no pussy stimulation if that’s what your dreams are made of.

I’d like to clarify that DouxTease herself claims that hardcore porn (and we’re paraphrasing) is not what one should expect from her Chaturbate or MyFreeCams streams. Still, let’s pray to God for some nudity. And just like that, LucieOude has pulled down the panties a little bit below the pubic hair area, too much and too little at the same time.

30:00 – 60:00 Live Show

DouxTease is sipping on water and interacting with the viewers with French music blasting in the background. There’s no talk on her end, but you know all she tries to say through typing and sensual motions.

I’m now more than an hour into the show, and what she says is true. Nothing too explicit will excite the CumPets audience as excited as wild animals. Maybe there’s a single viewer out there who appreciates art, seduction, and erotic movies, but everyone else, including myself, just hasn’t learned to enjoy the beautiful things in life. The quick fix or quick fap is what men want now, at least those searching for DouxTease’s sex cam videos. It was fun, but not my kind of fun, and with that in mind, let’s end the stream.

On a final note, LucieOude was a super friendly camgirl with compassion, charisma, willingness to work with the most dedicated fans, and a stunning body. The lingerie is fantastic, too, by the way, and one of LucieOude’s obsessions!


I’ve heard that the private DouxTease shows are outstanding and beyond what you could ask for. In fact, we could name 666,666 reasons why that’s the case. That’s how you stream LucieOude, in private since public shows aren’t as good as those of random Chaturbate models who’ll do anything and everything.

We finally get the name; it’s “teasing” inspired!

LucieOude Pornstar Lookalike

DouxTease Lucieoude Camgirl Lookalike

DouxTease Lucieoude Camgirl Lookalike

DouxTease Lucieoude Camgirl Lookalike

DouxTease Lucieoude Camgirl Lookalike

DouxTease Lucieoude Camgirl Lookalike

DouxTease Lucieoude Camgirl Lookalike

DouxTease Lucieoude Camgirl Lookalike

DouxTease Lucieoude Camgirl Lookalike

DouxTease Lucieoude Camgirl Lookalike

Watch LucieOude Live Shows

DouxTease’s Room (Chaturbate)

LucieOude’s Room (MyFreeCams)

2023 Updates

LucieOude has finally migrated from her old nickname, and no one is stopping her from exploding. With around 500,000 followers and continuous streams, you can still stream LucieOude clips online.

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Daddy Dick

Daddy Dick

I've been masturbating all my life to private and public cam shows. That's four decades of experience. This is my legacy and reviews you can trust.


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